Q: How long does it take to ship my order?
A: While orders are usually shipped within 1-2 business days after placing the order, due to global supply chain delays across multiple industries, delivery can sometimes take a few weeks. Please also check our Track Your Order page.
Q: When will my order arrive?
A: Shipping time is set by our delivery partners, due to global supply chain delays across multiple industries, delivery can take a few weeks. Additional details can be found in the order confirmation email you’ve received. Please also check our Track Your Order page.
Q: How do I track my order?
A: Once shipped, you’ll get a confirmation email that includes a tracking number and additional information regarding tracking your order. Please also check our Track Your Order page.
Q: What’s your return policy?
A: We allow the return of all items within 30 days of receiving your item(s). If you’re interested in returning your items, send us an email with your order number. Please also check our Return Policy page.
Q: How do I make changes to an existing order?
A: Changes to an existing order can be made as long as the order is still in “processing” status. Please contact our team via email and we’ll make sure to apply the needed changes. If your order has already been shipped, we cannot apply any changes to it. If you are unhappy with your order when it arrives, please contact us for any changes you may require.
Q: Do you ship internationally?
A: We currently ship to the contiguous USA; we are working to offer international sales soon!
Q: Can I receive a refund?
A: If you are unhappy with the product you’ve received, you can get a refund. Here is our Return Policy.
FAQ - About the Company
Q: About the company
A: GMP Gear was founded in 2021 during the global pandemic with the goal of bringing high quality camera and film equipment to the market with best-in-industry customer service. More details can be found on our About us page.
Q: What payment methods do you accept?
A: Any method of payments acceptable by you. For example: We accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express, JCB Discover, Google Pay, Apple Pay, etc.
Q: Where are you located?
Our headquarters are located in Colorado, USA.
Q: How can I contact you?
A: If you have a question, comment, suggestion, or want to reach out to us for any reason please visit our Contact us page to find the method of your preference.